Reach out to us today to schedule a tour or secure your date. Our team is here to help make your big day memorable, and we’re thrilled to be a part of your journey!
Tell us about you two! How did you meet and fall in love? What interests you about our venue?
We’re so excited to connect with you and help bring your dream wedding to life. Your message is on its way to our team, and we’ll be in touch shortly to answer your questions, schedule your tour, or secure your date.
Thank you for considering us as part of your special journey—we can’t wait to be a part of your big day!
Wildberry Farm is a picturesque, pastoral wedding venue tucked away in historic Marion, SC. With 34 acres brimming with an abundance of beauty and charm, Wildberry is poised to accommodate all of your wedding needs.
Wildberry Farm is a picturesque, pastoral wedding venue tucked away in historic Marion, SC. With 34 acres brimming with an abundance of beauty and charm, Wildberry is poised to accommodate all of your wedding needs.